Boy Tied Up and Put in Baby Girl Clothes Storys

Abdl Storys


"It was Simply an accident. Come on, people wet themselves all the time!! This doesn't mean I take to vesture diapers!" Your girlfriend pleaded with y'all. She shifted into a defensive stance past popping her hip to the side, and resting a manus on her soaked through jean shorts.

A heavy wet stain emanated from her crotch, to near halfway up her thighs. Yous didn't know when or how it happened. She had simply come up to y'all, in completely soaked pants, asking if you were washed with the laundry notwithstanding.

You exhaled sharply through your nose. There was no way in hell your girlfriend was getting away with this i. She knew all virtually your diaper fetish, and how passionate yous were almost them. You lot pressed to attempt and gain the boss upper hand.

"If you wet yourself like this, and so we need to make sure yous're not sick or something.. If you lot can go along yourself dry for the adjacent 24 hours, then we'll let you dorsum into large girl underwear. If y'all really don't need them, so I'm sure you can make it that long" You lot said in a polish, nevertheless commanding tone. You felt the ice in your veins run hotter with each passing word.

You'd never gone this far with her before. Your girlfriend had ever been open to the idea of yous liking and using diapers for pleasure. She was more than understanding of the fact we all take our own fetishes. But she'd never been one to indulge in it with you.

That'southward why you didn't know how she'd react once it came to the defining moment in the conversation. An agonizing silence had fallen between you two. You didn't know what to say, or what to do, the ball was completely in her court. The tension peaked once she opened her oral fissure.

"Fine." She mumbled, as she crossed her artillery. "24 hours, and I'll show it to you lot I don't need diapers. If I don't, I'll hear virtually information technology for the residuum of my life." She said, before walking toward the base of operations of your shared bed. "Let'southward become this over with as quick equally possible." She said, before letting herself fall onto her dorsum.

You wasted no time in post-obit the momentum of the situation. If she was going to lay down for a diaper change, then there was no fourth dimension to waste earlier she changed her listen. You kept the dominate pressure on just right every bit you walked to the pile of diapers.

"Like I said, keep your pants dry, and y'all'll exist out of these before long." Yous said, before plucking a dispensable diaper out from the pile. She rolled her optics and opened her legs then you could unbutton them. Shortly subsequently you pulled her wet pants and underwear off in one swift motion. Your hands delicately unfolded the diaper. Excitement pulsated through y'all; and information technology was obvious from the growing burl in your pants.

Your girlfriend pointed at the erection still getting taller and taller in your pants. "You just wanted to see me around the house in diapers, don't you?" She said.

"I'one thousand non the one who couldn't brand information technology to the potty on time, at present was I?" You lot snapped back. She recoiled in your surprisingly boss tone. A flush of cherry flashed beyond her cheeks. She didn't respond until you lot had finished taping the diaper around her waist.

"Fine, I'll play your game today; merely I'yard out of these tomorrow. Merely these are the last pair of diapers I clothing for you in a long time." She said completely seriously.



She didn't even concluding the night. The adjacent morning yous were delighted to the sight of your girlfriend pawing at her properly soaked diaper. She pleaded near how she had drank a lot of water before bed, and that this ane shouldn't count considering information technology was at night. You lot weren't going to let this opportunity pass though. You dug into a dominate stance and told her the clock just reset to 48-hours.

Another accident later that day extended the clock to iii days before she could get back to regular panties. It seemed that keeping her diaper dry for a long menstruum of time was harder than she initially idea. Three days became four, which quickly became one-calendar week.

Her spiraling diaper timer got and longer and longer past the day. It had been almost two weeks of 24/7 diapers before she finally tried rebelling against your diaper orders. Information technology was too like shooting fish in a barrel for you at that signal though to employ your building say-so to put her in her diapered place. All you had to do was simply remind her that if she was going to wet diapers like a baby, then she wouldn't exist able to make decisions virtually her underwear like an adult.

You and your girlfriend watched as her timer grew from weeks to months of dry diapers before she could get back into panties. Information technology was at that point you information technology was time to offset making your terminal changes to the guestroom furniture.

It was zero major at offset. Information technology was simple stuff like cute pillows, a few sheep blimp animals, and a kid-channel locked Idiot box. You started forcing your girlfriend to spend time in at that place while you were away so she wouldn't "potentially leak over our good furniture." She was far too deep in her diapered role to argue with yous at that signal. Your girlfriend's time in the make-shift nursery increased more and more as you forced her to spend "alone time in her room".

Overtime "her room", transformed into a full-fledged adult sized nursery. Y'all placed an eggshell white bureau in as her diaper drawer. The guest bed went, and in place of it, an adult sized crib completes with alpine white bars. You fifty-fifty put in a big changing tabular array so y'all wouldn't take to continuously change her on the floor.

Your girlfriend put up niggling resistance to the changes in her room. She would casually mention where it was yous got all these new items, but there was never a discussion about why they were in that location. Your girlfriend merely went along with the changes, as well as the increased amount of time you put her in at that place.

She became so used to her daily routine, that you didn't even have to tell her anymore to crawl to the nursery to get her soaked nighttime diaper inverse. Even after she was taped into her thick daytime diapers, she spent nigh of her time playing effectually in the nursery.

It really hit you one day while you were watching your girlfriend in the nursery. Her eyes locked onto Dora the Explorer, while she chewed the nipple of a freshly emptied milk canteen. How was it this easy to plow her life into this? Sure, it had been a couple months of gradual change. But even she had to realize how babyish her life had go. What grown adult watches children's shows in a moisture diaper during the eye of a workday?

You lot watched in secrecy every bit your girlfriend started doing something rather foreign. You raised an eyebrow as she dropped her bottle and shifted onto her knees. Moments subsequently, she leaned forward and airtight her eyes.

"Mmm…." She whispered, her face looked similar she was in a state of bliss. Her diaper started to sag even deeper as a flood of pee flew into her crotch. The xanthous stain started creeping upward her bum equally the pee searched for a spot that wasn't already at maximum capacity.

"Hey?" You said, walking into the plant nursery in the center of your girlfriend's deliberate wetting. Her eyes opened once she heard your vox, just she didn't break her stance. "Are you going on purpose?! You didn't fifty-fifty endeavor to get in to the potty!!" You lot exclaimed. Your girlfriend looked up at you and smiled.

"I knew yous'd put me back in diapers if I started wetting myself." She said in a low, sexy tone.

"Look.. what?" You said, completely confused.

"The wet jean- *Grunt* -Sshorts. I wet them on purpose. I knew you'd- *Grunt* D-iaper me." She said. Your mouth hung open in shock. Your girlfriend continued, "If I kept having accidents. I knew you lot'd put me in diapers for being a– *Grunt* Ahh…." Your girlfriend stopped, as a heavy mess dumped into the bottom of her diaper. Her face beamed while she relished in her now messy diaper. She finished her judgement a split second later, "For being a potty pants." She said, smile.

Before you could react, she pointed toward your pants. "Now, are you going to start having 'accidents' besides and go back into diapers with me? Or are you only gonna proceed playing Daddy?" your girlfriend said.

Y'all stood there, completely shocked at what just transpired. This was all happening and then fast.

You lot knew the answer though earlier you lot even started thinking nearly it. You smiled, took a footstep into the nursery, and made your choice.


Regression Disease: Cure or Inflame


"Are you sure this will work?" Ashley asked as she stared uneasily at the swirling foaming colours of the chimera bath her mom had poured into the tub.

"That'due south what the doctor said" Ashley'southward mom replied though a hint of worry lingered every bit she said it.

A few months ago Ashley was a normal Loftier School girl. She was in form 12 and fix to graduate at the end of the school year. Even so soon after her 18th birthday she began wetting the bed. Her mother took her to the doctor who did a few test and sent some claret and urine samples to a lab for additional tests.

While they waited for the test results to come in Ashley began wearing pull-ups and started finding it harder and harder to make information technology to the toilet in fourth dimension during the mean solar day. To brand information technology a little easier for her while at home, Ashley's female parent bought a big sized potty chair that could be moved to what ever room Ashley was currently in. While embracing at first Ashley found herself grateful for it afterward a few close calls.

After two weeks the medico finally got the results back but they weren't adept. The examination results revealed what they had already expected. Ashley had contracted Regression Disease and was slowly regressing into a giant baby. Luckily a new cure had been found that was faster and more effective than the previous handling of regression therapy.

The cure was a harmless chemical bubble bath and had an almost 100% success rate in clinical trials. At that place was simply 1 pocket-size problem. The clinical trials also revealed the existence of a variant of Regression Disease called Type-B. The variant is practically Identical to Regression Disease and is incommunicable to tell the two apart with they ane different beingness that when exposed to the chemical bath instead of leaving the torso, Type-B appears to double down, regressing the patient faster and becoming permanent.

The md explained the risk while writing the prescription for the bubble bath and giving it to Ashley'southward mom. After picking upwards the bath from the chemist's shop the two went domicile and and prepared Ashley's commencement treatment.

Ashley was hesitant after hearing the take chances of condign a infant permanently but after uncontrollabley pooping her pull-up while staring at the bathroom she took a deep jiff and stepped into the tube.


A semi sequel to one of my 1 off captions. This one virtually a potential cure to Regression Disease that has the risk of making the Disease permanent.

Art past Rocket Manatee.


"Awww, what's the matter sweetheart?" I cooed to my teary-eyed girlfriend. A strong potty olfactory property surrounded her. "Has my little girl finally made her get-go messy nappy?"

Penny sucked her dummy nervously, glancing up at me for a second before looking away, seemingly too embarrassed to meet my gaze.

"Lie down and Daddy volition modify your nappy, baby," I said, merely when I started pushing Penny onto her back she shook her caput violently and spat her dummy out of her oral fissure.

"Await! This was a mistake, Daddy," Penny said. "I like how yous baby me, only I've decided that nappies are a step too far. I'm going to go and get cleaned up, and we can forget about-"

"No, Penny," I said firmly, interrupting her silly attempts to sound like a decisive, contained developed. "Expert girls do what their Daddies tell them, and Daddy says you lot're non allowed to use toilets. That means you demand nappies."

Penny'south lower lip trembled, her grown-up façade instantly stripped away. "Can't I at least clean myself up, Daddy?" she begged. "Delight?"

"Y'all're a delicate little girl, darling. I don't want you lot having to deal with your own messes. That's Daddy'south task."

"But I don't want you to meet!" she mewled, tears first to spill down her cheeks.

"Information technology'southward okay, little 1," I said gently. "Daddy doesn't mind."

"No, please!" Penny whimpered desperately, her breathing growing more and more frantic. "You're not going to call back I'm pretty anymore! I don't want you lot to end thinking I'thousand pretty!"

"Shhhhh, shhhhh," I soothed, my heart aching as I watched my girlfriend interruption down in front of me. I pulled her into a tight cuddle, feeling her trembling in my arms. "Yous're the nigh gorgeous little girl at that place is, darling. A messy nappy isn't going to change that. Even with a stinky bum, Daddy still thinks you're absolutely ambrosial."

There was a brief interruption, and Penny's breathing seemed to calm downwards a little. "Promise?" she asked anxiously.

"Hope," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I wouldn't accept put you back in nappies if I couldn't handle your muddied lesser."

Penny blushed and cached her face into my chest, but she seemed to have calmed down. I felt guilty well-nigh the stress her opposite potty-training was causing her, just I knew it would all pay off in the long run. Penny just wasn't cut out to be a grown-upwardly. She'd be much happier equally my baby, costless from all the pressures of the adult world. She wouldn't even accept to worry about using the toilet. She'd be free to play around the house in nothing but her nappy, and when she needed to pee or poo she could but get in her pants and wait for me to clean her up.

I gently pushed Penny down onto the bed and slipped her dummy back betwixt her lips. She started sucking on it eagerly, and my middle warmed at the sight.

"Who'due south my pretty princess?" I gushed. "Who'south Daddy'due south good girl?"

"Me!" Penny giggled from behind her dummy.

I leant down and blew a raspberry on her tummy, making her shriek with laughter and squirm on the bed happily, the mess in her pants completely forgotten.

"Now, I think it's about time we got that disgusting nappy off your bum, isn't it princess?"


Prototype: Rocket Manatee

It was the start of a new season. The tree tops blazed with autumn leaf. A well-baked breeze plucked a quivering bronzed leaf and carried it gently to the path which crossed the park in a great sweeping movement, similar a giant rocking a baby to sleep.

The leafage made a satisfying crunch under Maisey's boot. She giggled loudly with childlike ignorance to the fact bystander'due south turned to meet why a 23 year erstwhile young women was seemingly as delighted to be kicking up leafs and splashing in puddles as a little child would exist.

She turned to her partner, Amelia, and grinned wildly, seeking praise for her achievement.

"Well washed babe. That 1 matched your cute niggling pilus clips." Amelia beamed and squeezed her partners manus, she was pleased with how well Maisey seemed to be taking the recent aligning in their relationship dynamic and lifestyle. Not only was information technology the start of a new season but fall as well marked the turning of a new leaf in this chapter of their life's. After much deliberation, Maisey had agreed to become 'Mummy'south Little Girl', full fourth dimension, not but in the privacy of their own home.

They were each thankful this was something they could savour together. Whilst public displays of Md/LG and other ageplay dynamics weren't wholly mainstream, information technology was largely tolerated since the Regression Revolution.

For her function, Amelia was glad to be able to let her babe enjoy play outside and in a multifariousness of settings, rather than it being confined to the habitation, which had lead to a frustrating bobbing in and out of Littlespace for Maisey previously.

Since embracing babyhood 24/7, including in public, Maisey could backslide securely without feeling like she had to agree a part of herself back incase she needed to switch back to being grown upward.

Amelia had noticed the deep regression had effected Maisey in a number of ways. Shed was quicker to turn to tears if she was upset about something, simply generally happier all round. She was less able to communicate way she wanted only her needs were simpler to take care off, generally constant cuddling and attention seemed to do the play a joke on. Her libido didn't seem to be effected but thick diapers were a means of guiltlessness, stopping Maisey from touching herself inappropriately.

Amelia remembered her picayune girl hadn't needed a diaper modify earlier they had left home just they had been walking for some time now and she knew there would be tears if Maisey leaked and had to waddle abode in wet socks.

"Baby. Can you come here for a second?" Amelia asked.

"Why Mummy?"

"I have to bank check you diaper sweetie."

Maisey obediantly stood on the spot and dutifully held her skirt equally Amelia lifted it and then probed the leg guards of the diaper cover.

"Yep, but as I suspected. The sog monster snuck in when we weren't looking."

"Oh no. Not Once more!" Maisey giggled and squeezed her thighs to experience the squish of her heavily wet diaper. Amelia was curious to know if Maisey could even tell when she was wetting herself recently? She supposed eventually Maisey would be completely reliant on diapers after continuously wearing them.

"Allow'south get you changed."

Amelia toted her diaper bag and led them over to a bench which would make a suitable impromptu changing table. Maisey sat on the bench with a squish and swung her legs effectually so that her mummy could undo the snaps of her diaper embrace. She loved how beingness Little meant that in substitution for generally being well behaved and obediant, her Mummy took intendance of all the little responsibilities, assuasive her to be carefree like a kid. She never had to worry about holding her bladder incase she over soaked her diapers because Amelia would always be looking out for her.

"Let'due south see what the damage is." Amelia said to herself every bit she pulled back the diaper cover to reveal the saturated fabric padding beneath.

"Can nosotros run into the duckies before we go abode?" Maisey asked equally her diaper area was wiped.

"We sure can!" Amelia answered enthusiastically. She laughed to herself and how innocent her Little One had become. When they'd starter their kink journey together being changed in public would have been mortifying for Maisey but here she was now, merely like any other baby, albeit bigger.

"Yay! I love you Mummy."


"Yep, dear. You heard me right." The caretaker's words were quiet, firm, as cool and uncompromising as granite. "You're here with me now for equally long equally we need you. As long equally it takes. As many weeks and months every bit the program requires until we've met our goal."

Broad eyes filled with questioning and terror. A stifled whimper. A desperate shaking of the head. All these spoke volumes, screaming out in a style that the young woman's dummy-swollen rima oris never could. She wanted out. She had to escape. She didn't desire to do this anymore-

"And y'all run across, information technology'southward not so like shooting fish in a barrel to back out now," the caretaker went on, almost equally if the hapless patient shivering before her had constitute a way to voice her frightened protests. "All the forms have been signed. All the proper human being field of study paperwork, and monitoring and consent forms, and waivers of liability and non-disclosure – they're all signed and sealed and notarized. You lot know this. Yous're our test subject here, of your ain free will. Yous're receiving generous compensation, and 24/vii housing and food and medical care, all in the comfort of this comfy apartment we've provided. You're supported entirely by the programme – and with that level of investment, we simply can't allow any sudden changes of heart."

Shame crept into those eyes as they lowered to the ground. The caretaker's words were true, and the patient knew it. She'd signed ever so many forms: and then eager, so willing to do anything to secure that incredibly generous pay…

"And then lest you accept whatsoever more doubts about how this programme will proceed," the flagman resumed, lifting the patient's caput in her hands and gazing coolly into her quailing optics, "Permit me be admittedly articulate near what you're likely to experience these next few weeks and months. Perhaps you won't like what y'all hear. That is fine. You don't need to similar information technology. You just need to listen and sympathise that this is what volition happen."

She cleared her throat and connected. "You already know our projection: to explore the benefits and limits of regression, play, and other not-standard methods of therapy on the individual. You lot take already had stressors from your adult life removed: communications devices, work obligations, social relations, vesture, and even toileting needs. Your mobility and your dexterity take been limited. You are being transitioned to a high-nutrient, depression-stress nutrition fifty-fifty now. Your instinctual behaviors of suckling, itch, and playing are being encouraged, and your speech and motor skills are being inhibited. Your sleep cycle is being shifted to that of a young kid, with further alterations dependent on your progress…"

Seeing the confused questioning in those eyes, the caretaker went on, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "In practical terms, you will merely go diaper dependent. You lot already are for our purposes, of course – only cheers to our conditioning you are likely to lose significant, peradventure even total control. Your meals will be fed to you regularly as liquids or soft solids, typically in bottle form. Your master activities volition limit as much equally possible your need to utilize cognitive abilities; you will play, crawl, and toddle at most, sleeping frequently and at intervals nosotros ascertain. Your life will essentially revolve around eating, drinking, soiling, and sleeping. Your mind volition gradually empty and quieten as nosotros remove stressors from it and eliminate your need to process language or use college-level cognitive faculties. And past the terminate of the program, I suspect your life will have get a soft blur of napping, and drinking, and soiling, and allowing your caretakers to intendance for you. You'll be lying there, gazing out with those pretty, wide eyes at a globe you no longer sympathize…

"Then, and only then, volition we take reached our goal: of complete regression and a render to stress-gratis, instinctual life. You, my beloved, will be the first to reach this goal – I know it." Then the caretaker smiled at last, a true, broad smile full in the recoiling face of her balked listener.

"You take no choice. You agreed to this, after all."

Paradigm Credit: @abdreams

Delight don't remove my caption or accreditation, okay? Oh, and check out my Patreon here if you lot want to read more than of my short stories!


"Method acting?" Taylor'due south voice rang through the phone.

"Yes, you've never heard of it?" Lindsey responded.

"Isn't that when you deed out your role in everyday life, not just on stage?" Taylor answered with a question. Lindsey affirmed excitingly.

"Aye! All the greats have done it. 24-hour interval-Lewis did it with Lincoln, Heath Ledger with Joker. If I'm going to brand it in this business, I have to model my approach off them." Lindsey said seriously.

"Certain, mayhap when you become your first movie roll; only exercise you lot really need to exercise that for a local theater roll? Lindsey yous're playing a babe! How are you supposed to method human action that? What are you lot going to exercise, start wearing diapers?" Taylor asked unconvinced. Lindsey looked downward at her pants. She flexed her thighs to experience the bulk of the diaper between her legs. The waistband peeked out over her pants.

"I'm non playing a baby. I'yard playing as someone in pre-school, there's a difference. I accept bodily lines I need to deliver; and and so what if it'south a theater? Everyone starts somewhere. If I take it seriously at present, I'll be better at acting in the hereafter." Lindsey said, pleading her instance. Taylor sighed over the phone.

"You are one determined girl, I'll tell you lot that. Listen I got to go, I'll pick you up at 5 on Wednesday for the movies?" Taylor asked, Lindsey agreed so said bye.

"She doesn't know what she'due south talking nearly." She thought, her caput turned to the side. She scooped upwards the blue sippy cup laying on her bedside. She brought the nipple up to her lips. "I'thousand going to go the biggest babe they've e'er seen. If that'due south what they want from me. That's what they're going to become." She thought, she opened her mouth, but stopped moving the cup forward.

"Actually…" She thought, "Wouldn't a baby have problem doing this?" She pondered, and so immediately confirmed that was the correct idea. Anything she could practice more than childishly, that was the goal. She let her tongue flop out of her mouth. She licked the tip of the nipple.

"I… I nweed baba…" She muttered with her tongue stuck out. She let the muscles in her fingers relax. Her grip became weaker, and the nipple barely made it into the corner of her mouth. She knocked the canteen back and began sucking. Knowing that babies don't ever take the best seal around the nipple, she let office of the juice spill out the sides of lips. Dribbles leaked out of her mouth, and onto her right breast.

"I need to keep drooling." She thought. Lindsey forcibly pushed whatever thoughts to pull-back from this. She wanted to change her cocky-image to that of a baby. If she bankrupt fifty-fifty an once out of character, she could jeopardize her entire acting method. She permit the droll go on to spill down her shirt.

"I got this." Lindsey reassured herself, "In half-dozen months, they'll exist blow abroad at my operation. That'due south plenty of fourth dimension to get into this mindset." She idea. The crinkling of her diaper on the bed reassured her of it.


Lindsey fully immersed herself into the lifestyle. She started with her diet. She removed every trace of nutrient from her kitchen. Vegetables, fruit, pasta, granola, etc. In their place, she bought hundreds of jars of baby food. Anytime she was hungry, she would crawl over to her chiffonier, and pop open a can. Someone her historic period couldn't use silverware of course. The sensation of her fingers plunging into mush, and then scraping it across her teeth became commonplace.

Gone were glasses and cups. She only had bottles or sippy cups. Which were ever topped off with juice the moment they were empty. She kept a bottle beside her 24/7. Her oral cavity quickly started to crave a rubber nipple dribbling sugary juice onto her tongue. Her natural language would squirm restlessly in her oral cavity until it wrapped around a tip.

All this fluid intake put immense pressure on her bladder. Lindsey jumped from using the bathroom a couple times a twenty-four hours, to changing her sopping wet diapers every hour. She didn't effort to concord it. A little infant like her couldn't in the first identify. It became natural to let her pee period freely. The front of her diaper was constantly warming from each accident. She mentally suppressed her brain's ability to recognize signals from her bladder. She didn't want to know when she was peeing. She wanted genuine accidents dribbling incessantly into her diaper. That'south what a infant like her was supposed to do anyways.

Messing was hard at first. The mental barrier of pooping your pants is difficult to break. Slowly, her mind accepted the fact she merely messed in her diaper. It helped that her house had turned into one big nursery. It made it feel normal to poop herself. She was in the correct place for information technology. Of course, the main driving factor was her baby food diet. Her bowels merely pushed through loftier cobweb mush. Once she let the gates open, it was difficult for her to stop it. Her muscles slowly atrophied to a toddler-similar state.

Getting used to diapers was fun, but irresolute her recreational habits was even amend. She stopped her normal routines of writing, jogging, and studying. Instead, she started playing brand-believe with her toys, watching mind-numbing babyish cartoons, finger painting, or zoning out on the floor while her mind lived in her warm mushy diaper. It was not-stop pleasure sensory overload. Lindsey found information technology was easy to stop thinking like an adult. It was fun to let the weight of her developed mind crumble and ride a non-sensical baby wave instead. She leaned in hard to this mindset. Information technology was the best way to get in character. If you lot want to become a babe, your mind needs to forget how to be an adult.

It was difficult to say circuitous words, so she stopped trying to think about them all together. Whenever she communicated with her stuffed animals, she only used simple introductory words, or babyish grunts. She didn't forget how to speak, but she did find it was way easier to stop articulating well. She was nurturing her laziness to extreme levels. Her brain found a faster mode to communicate. Dropping to a get-go-form level of speech was efficient, and surprisingly like shooting fish in a barrel.

"You dwink this tea mista' Cow." Lindsey said in the well-nigh perfect English she could. She felt a splash of drool spill from her loose lips. She stopped focusing on it immediately. Drooling was the aforementioned as breathing.

Lindsey animated the Cow by picking it up, so tipping a pocket-size teacup into its oral fissure. She used her imagination to see a river of tea flow. It forced a natural response in her diaper. Lindsey didn't register that her diaper started growing a deeper shade of xanthous. Her mind let that sensation wander out of her witting thought.


"We're sorry, Lindsey. Our hands are tied here." The director said through the phone. Lindsey didn't know what to say. Her entire world was shattered.

"What you mean I no tin can play baby? You said I can!!" Lindsey said through seething teeth. She tried to go on her vocabulary at an adult level, but she couldn't control the assortment of frustration and sorrow churning inside. Her oral fissure spoke the words instantly as she saw them in her caput.

"I know, and this is the worst part of my job. We're facing sweeping budget cuts. I'm sorry. You lot'll get preferential treatment during the next product!" The director said. Lindsey didn't care. She was preparing for the role at present. She didn't want to talk to the hateful man anymore. She hung up the telephone.

"Screw this. I'grand going down at that place and giving them a piece of my heed." Lindsey thought, the fuzzy baby thoughts that had lingered over her mind for months thinned with its original purpose falling through. She started toward the door, throwing on a dirty blackness top on from the flooring.

"They want to cut me? They don't know what they're about to get. I'thou going to…" Lindsey thought, she trailed off. She looked down at her lower half. She stared at her blue printed diaper. "Oh." She thought, "I don't take to wear these anymore…"

She subconsciously started nibbling on her lips. She hadn't been out of diapers in months. She couldn't remember the concluding time she walked into a bath. She felt fear consume her.

"What if I…" She said, feeling herself act out a cocky-fulfilling prophecy, "Have an… accident…" She thought, the front of her diaper warmed equally a pee leaked out of her. She tried stopping it, but her muscles were across helpless at present. She tried crossing her legs to stalk the tide. That didn't aid either.

"Uh-oh…" She subconsciously whispered. She squirmed in place equally the trickle in her diaper spilled into a heavy stream. She whimpered feebly to herself every bit she filled her diaper. Her accident landed a severe blow to her adult-mindset. Adults don't wearable diapers out the door, and they certainly don't pee themselves as they're doing information technology. And they definitely don't start sucking their thumbs for comfort later.

Lindsey couldn't stop it. She felt the lackadaisical blank-infinite thoughts creeping dorsum. In that moment, she didn't come across herself as a grown woman. She wore diapers. Non only because of her wet and messy accidents, but for fun. She liked wearing diapers now. She enjoyed sucking her thumb. Lindsey liked being drooly. Her favorite show wasn't New Daughter anymore. It was Dora the Explorer. She didn't swallow a balanced nutrition. She shoveled baby nutrient in her mouth via her hands, which ever had dried baby food crusted on them now. She didn't odour like strawberry and vanilla. She smelled like used diapers.

Adults aren't similar that. Babies are similar that.

Lindsey's brain slotted right back into place. The same place information technology'd been simmering in the past six months.

"Was my towys?!" She squealed while her legs collapsed. Her mushy diapered barrel swayed from side to side as she made her way to the playroom. Ready to pick up where she left off. Making herself the biggest baby of all fourth dimension.


(I hope you liked this caption! If you're able to support me as a creator, head over to my patreon. I have tons of captions and stories merely like it! Thanks for the read.)


Some days information technology is not almost the earth moving, or the stars singing, or the pressure of hot skin glowing confronting skin. Some days are but about all the other picayune things that brand up life.

For case…

The tires crunch and the engine stalls and he comes through the door with a creak and a thump of boots on hardwood floor. "Hey, sweetheart," he says. "I'thousand home." Off come the boots with a grunt and two matching thuds, and then he pads into the next room.

"Damn, it smells good in here. What'south cooking, cute?"

And she turns to him, her fork in the air over the spitting sausages. "Perfect timing," she tells him. And then past way of caption: "The sausages needed to be eaten. So honey, how was work?"

Neither the man nor the woman talk well-nigh their apparel. They don't demand to, non when there are work days to discuss and sausages to melt. But his mitt does linger on her padded bottom after he hugs her. Her cheeks do turn a bit red. Or perhaps it'due south just the heat from the stove. Information technology's difficult to tell when everything is and then normal.

The 2 sit down at the tabular array so, and they talk of traffic and supermarket sales and calls with family. They eat their sausages and rice and peaches, and they express mirth and frown and shrug together and in turn. Her lesser crinkles as she gets up and comes back with ice cream in two modest bowls, but maybe the grinning that comes to the man'south face is simply from the ice foam.

Then goes the evening. "You okay, dear? You demand a change?" No, she says, and nestles closer to him on the niggling brown sofa. Not yet, and no sense irresolute right before her shower. "Good girl," the man says simply, and his hand reaches up to stroke her hair. "That'due south my good, smart piddling girl." She says cypher, but the tiny sigh and the way she one-half-closes her eyes tell the human that all is well.

Is the earth moving? No, not truly. Not like it does at other times. But the globe does not need to movement similar that every day, and fireworks are meant for holidays. That is how life is, and these two sense this instinctively. Ordinary life, ordinary kink, ordinary dearest… it all fits together for them. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

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Delight don't remove my caption or accreditation! Every bit long equally you don't, I hope that your favorite eating place volition transport y'all a coupon… or maybe several.

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About of My Patients Telephone call Them 'Briefs'

The faint scent of pee drifts through the waiting room air. I think it's coming from the blue-pilus sitting directly across from me. She's gone to the bathroom three times in the twenty minutes I've been sitting here. Every time she's bolted out of her chair like at that place's a tack in it, clutching her handbag to her chest.

Or it could be the guy in Carhartt cutoffs and a Porter Concrete shirt. He'southward wincing and shifting a lot. The burl in his crotch looks suspicious. But it could just be the way his shorts are bunched up...

I lean forwards a fleck to go a closer look.

He clears his pharynx and glares at me.

Proceed reading


"Elissa! Come on! I need to go NOW!" Lydia yelled out from outside the bathroom door. Elissa could see the shadows of Lydia's anxiety dancing below the door. She rolled her optics, swinging her neck back in the same motility, and ran a hand through the roots of her hair.

"I'm virtually done, Lydia. What are y'all, two years old? I'm sure you lot tin can agree it some other five minutes." Elissa said back, her phonation sounded exhausted. Elissa'south cess would have been accurate…. 5 minutes ago. Lydia pressed her hands further into her crotch every bit a nigh backbreaking anguish flared in her bladder. Her face strained every bit she clenched downwardly.

"Ughhh, Elissa!! I'm about to piss myself!" Lydia yelled, feeling the weight of her bladder growing heavier by the second.

"Go outside then if you lot have to! I'm getting tired of this. I didn't retrieve sharing one bathroom in the morning time would be this difficult." Elissa said, shaking her head. It had been a rough start for Elissa and Lydia acclimating to each other's morning time rituals now that they were roommates. Elissa woke up earlier than Lydia. She was no stranger to taking her time in the bathroom either. Lydia, who had ever struggled with sleeping the whole night without needing to get, had picked the incorrect time to try and kick the habit. It was creating a daily shouting match for who needed the bathroom. 1 that Lydia was seconds abroad from not needing anymore.

"Elissa… P-please…" Lydia said, her voice falling to a whisper at the terminate. The force per unit area in her bladder reached maximum capacity. Her body couldn't concord it whatsoever longer. She felt warm wet dribbles in betwixt her fingertips. She clenched down as hard as she physically could, merely in that location was no stopping it at this bespeak. She felt a strong wave of urgency wash through her bladder once her body felt those drops. Lydia felt her muscles loosen involuntarily, as a rush of pee jetted into her pants. The dark stain grew thicker, as abaft streams of pee started to autumn downwardly her legs. Lydia felt her command evaporating. Trickling grew steadily into a heavy river of morning pee gushing into her pants. Lydia felt her muscles relax even further. The sound of pee hitting the woods floor filled the hallway.

"Oh my god…. You're not-" Elissa said, the sound of the toilet flushing. Her footsteps approached the door, and suddenly she thrust it open. Merely a few moments later than Lydia needed her to.

"You're PEEING yourself?! You really are two years old! Holy shit, Lydia! What the fuck?!" Elissa said, she extended her alphabetize finger and pointed down at the puddle forming between Lydia's feet. She scoffed at Lydia and pushed her to the side. "I'm not dealing with a roommate who can't concord her pee in the morning." Elissa muttered to herself every bit she started walking down the hall.

Lydia felt her face burn firetruck scarlet. She hadn't had an accident like this in years. She didn't fifty-fifty try to concur it dorsum anymore. What was the difference between a medium to big-sized pee puddle? She stood there in shame, feeling the flow of pee slowly tapering off. Past the end of it, her pants were completely drenched. Standing there in her pee, Lydia couldn't fifty-fifty find the words to speak once Elissa walked back.

"If you're going to piss yourself in the morn, you're going to clothing these." Elissa said, extending the package of pull-ups in her mitt to Lydia. It was already opened with a couple of pull-ups taken out. "My mom left these here when my footling sis visited, information technology looks like you lot might need them too." She said with a stern look and matching tone.

Lydia didn't fight it. How could she? What would she say? 'No, I didn't just have an accident right in front of you.' She reluctantly grabbed the bundle without saying a word.



Lydia had never felt that level of embarrassment earlier, that is until she slipped on one of the pull-ups that very night. She thought about lying to Elissa, telling her that she had ane on when she didn't. But when Elissa said she was going to check every night to make sure, she decided it was best not to rock the boat and just put it on. Too, she didn't have to use information technology.

Until the very adjacent morn.

Lydia felt Déjà vu the moment she walked out of her room to pee. The bathroom door was closed, with the low-cal spilling out from underneath. She was drastic to go after holding in an entire night's worth of pee. If she wanted to, she could have potentially argued with Elissa enough to become her out in time to make it. Or, she could take care of the painful pressure in her bladder another fashion…

"It'due south simply a little. I'chiliad peeing it on purpose. Similar I'm going to the bath. This isn't an accident." Lydia reasoned in her head, feeling herself release into her pull-upwardly. She wasn't going to allow go entirely, merely plenty to keep the pressure level off her and avoid another major accident like last night. She felt her pull-up warm and begin to sag every bit she tested the limits of its absorbency. Feeling content with the reduced weight, she clenched down to stalk the flow. She felt a wave of relaxation wash over her. Not only because the pain her bladder had subsided to barrable levels, but it was the first time in weeks her morning didn't starting time with an argument at the bathroom door.

"Oh…" Elissa said, minutes later equally she opened the bathroom door. She looked down at her roommate, wearing just a tank top and matching moisture pull-upwardly. Her surprised expression melted into a smug smirk. "Looks like those pull-ups fixed the trouble, huh?" Elissa joked. Lydia pursed her lips and shook her caput.

"I didn't wet the bed, I went just now so you didn't take to waste your precious bathroom fourth dimension." Lydia said back snakish. Elissa giggled and shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Lydia. As long every bit it keeps my floors dry…" Elissa said, walking past Lydia and downwards the hall.

"Ugh, whatever…" Lydia thought, turning her attending to the bathroom. She walked into the room to finish what she already started in her pull-up.

Lydia and Elissa played out this same scenario over once again for 2 weeks. Lydia would go up, release her bladder partially into her pull-up, Elissa would brand fun of her, and then Lydia would finally cease her business in the bathroom. This persisted until a lazy Sabbatum morn in Lydia'south room.

"Ugh… I don't want to get up…." Lydia thought to herself, she looked at her bedroom door across the room. She was then snug and warm in bed. She knew what was most to happen if she got upward anyways. Why did she have to stand there wetting herself when she could only exercise that role in the comfort of her bed? Her lazy encephalon thought it was a brilliant idea. Instead of putting down her phone and getting upwardly. Lydia parted her legs to each side and started to push downwards on her bladder.

She could only manage a dribble at get-go. She hadn't peed in the bed in decades. Once her body understood it was safe in her pull-up, she felt her float relax further. The dribbles cascading into a low steady stream of warm pee. It fell downwardly the front and pooled into the dorsum of her waiting pull-up.

Lydia found no reason to break that new addiction once Sunday morn rolled around. Or Monday, Tuesday… and every other mean solar day post-obit that. She knew what the argument was going to exist anyways, so why not avoid the whole affair and pee while she was still in bed? That way she was at to the lowest degree still cozy, and at the very least didn't have to bargain with Elissa's picayune comments. That aforementioned idea process started creeping into the eye of the night.

"*Yawn*… I'one thousand but going to pee in the morning anyways… I might as well…." Lydia thought at 3 AM as her bladder ached. This was one of those nights where she drank besides much earlier and had to get up if she was going to fall back comatose. Warm and snug in bed, Lydia felt her torso hands release into her bed. She had gotten used to doing the same thing every morning. She fell dorsum comatose before the stream even started to die down.

Lydia didn't worry too much about it when she woke up the next morning wet. It wasn't unusual for her to get up out of the bed in a sagging pull-up in the first place. The only concern was the small wet spot that had formed in the bed well-nigh her waist.

"Must take gone a petty too much last night…" Lydia thought, her caput swiveled to the dwindling parcel of pull-ups on her dresser. "I might demand to pick up something a piddling thicker next time I go shopping…"


Diapers proved to be an even better solution to Lydia and Elissa's morning conflict. Not simply could she stay in her bed and pee whenever she wanted, she no longer had to worry about potentially leaking into her bed! She felt much more relaxed most keeping her bed dry with a diaper instead of a flimsy pull-up.

Lydia stopped paying attention to her bladder at night altogether. She had complete religion in her diaper to go along her dry no matter how much she peed. She'd barely surface to consciousness when she felt her diaper filling upward in the heart of the night. She wouldn't even call back twice. Simply as quickly as she'd wake in the centre of wetting, she'd quickly fall right back into a deep slumber.

"Oh damn… I soaked this thing last nighttime…" Lydia thought one forenoon, looking downwardly at her heavily drenched diaper. The dark yellow stains discolored the cute prints of tigers and bears that she liked. "I didn't think it was that much…" Lydia thought to herself as she examined her heavy diaper. She was concerned, but still felt firm in her belief that she could keep her bed dry even if she wanted to. "I've but been doing this for… um?" Lydia thought, trying to think back to the final argument she had with Elissa over the bath.

It had been quite some time if she was beingness honest with herself. She couldn't even remember the final time she used the toilet in the morning. "It was just getting warm outside, and so like early summer?" Lydia idea, looking out her window at the snow-covered scene. "Jeez…" She idea, looking dorsum downwardly at her diaper. "I think I should probably take a break." She whispered hesitantly to herself.

Lydia felt a beam of conviction smoothen through her that night. Her finger pressed the lock push button on her phone, it closed with a 'snap.'

"Okay!" She idea happily, her hand grabbed the blanket and flung information technology to the other side of the bed. "Warning is set early, 6 A.Yard., well earlier Elissa will wake upward. Even if I have to drag myself out of bed, I doubtfulness I'll take to pee that bad by then." Lydia idea, thinking back to the recent lack of pain in her morning bladder. She commonly woke upward feeling completely refreshed and fix for the day.

She felt a foreign mix of emotions equally she slipped into bed. Her body felt different. Naked. As though a office of her trunk had been taken away. She felt a pang of anxiety rush through her head.

"No, no. I'll be fine. If I feel anything, I'll only get upward immediately." Lydia thought, trying to quell her fears. She breathed in deeply, before releasing a relaxing exhale. "I'm… fine…" She idea, before letting herself drift off to slumber.

The forenoon light shined vivid into her optics after what felt similar moments subsequently. That'due south normally how she slept these days, entirely sound and content. Lydia felt the smile growing on her face up before she could end it.

"Yes!" She thought, feeling pressure in her bladder. "I did-" She said, throwing her blankets to the side.

Only instead to run into the large night wet stain. She soaked her bed.

Completely, and unaware.

"…it…… what? How did I not know?!" Lydia idea, trying to retrace her steps. She felt pressure, merely the more than she searched, it became painfully obvious there was little more than a few-second trickle in the tank. She didn't fifty-fifty notice the cool clammy feeling of a wet bed around her waist when she woke up. "I must be so… used to information technology past now…" She reasoned, utterly perplexed at the situation.

Lydia looked up at the stack of diapers across her room. She knew at this point she was in deep. She'd have to work at it every day if she wanted to go back to dry out nights. Her heed wandered to the logical next steps.

"I'll have to drink less at dark, endeavor to wake upwards when I need to pee, which I judge I don't anymore, possibly I'll start wearing pull-ups, that might entice me to pay attention, simply if I don't then information technology'southward merely going to leak into my bed, so maybe I can get a plastic sheet, but I don't like the way those feel, and I judge even and then I'll accept to start fighting with Elissa again, which will suck considering we've become really good friends since that, I suppose… I…" She thought, her eyes still locked onto her diapers. The more she stared, the more it became clear in her mind.

"…I… am a bedwetter…" She idea, already confirming what she knew for months now.

(Hey there did you similar the caption? If you're able to, I'd super appreciate it if you could support me on my patreon! I have hundreds of more captions and stories on there. Thanks for reading :)



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