How to Camouflage Door in Mural Art on Wall

It seems everyone is doing it. The dauntless ones that is. Those blest with 'The Vision'. Those well-educated in home styling. They're all painting walls with dark colours.

For those looking to encompass the dark interior trend, here's some first-mitt communication, direct from someone who went from 'the only fashion is white', to fully embracing the dark side. Here are our ten tips for painting walls with dark colours.

Gloss, matt or satin...a practical consideration

To offset on a practical note, y'all may think that past painting walls with dark colours you lot're roofing upwards your slightly off-camber plastering job, hiding whatsoever would-be dirty fingerprints, or disguising your well-intended but shambolic endeavor at picture-hanging. Think once again. Dark walls will prove imperfections only as much, if not worse than, white.

The trick here is to choose your paint type wisely: Gloss has the highest shine and will reflect virtually light, so if you're concerned about natural light this could be a meliorate option. Even so, its high cogitating properties also hateful that unless your wall's surface is every bit apartment as a pancake, y'all'll see all those little imperfections, and they won't expect piddling! By contrast, Matte has no shine and will blot any natural low-cal that hits information technology but, on the other mitt, information technology will help to hibernate those DIY blunders.

MoMA Square Wall Shelf

Consider an emphasis colour to lift

Mustard yellows, blush pinks, faded blues; colours that are brilliant enough to lift, but not too vivid that you feel like you're living in a Jackson Pollack. Go on information technology muted with pastel tones that complement your chosen wall colour and, if y'all cull to add an accent colour, only stick to 1. Likewise many detract from the wait you are aiming to attain.

On a side not, greens piece of work brilliantly, especially as you can do this easily using plants and foliage.

Alcoves, chimney breasts and other features can be a neat style to add together a splash of color also. Whether you going for something bright or night, painting effectually existing features can be a great way to inject a footling life into a room.

Using Colour To Break Up Dark Walls

Epitome credit: Farrow & Ball

Invest in some metallic lighting and decor

If for no other reason than that they merely look stunning against dark coloured walls, don't overlook metals when selecting an emphasis colour. Copper, brass, gold, chrome, or all of the above, are a friction match made in heaven when placed against a dark backdrop. and as with the above signal, help break up the darkness!

Brass top pendant light

Odette Contumely Ceiling lite

The room will compress, but not as much as you recall

Whichever wall you paint, it will bring that wall in, particularly in large spacious rooms. If you're planning on painting a small room anyway, this is less of an issue, then continue to the side by side point.
For those tackling a larger room it will be a shock initially, but you lot will get used to it. Do all the same consider this side-effect in your planning and consider choosing the longest wall to pigment in a dark color first, or maybe even an alcove to ease you into the change.

Owler Black Table Lamp

Owler Black Table Lamp

Size doesn't thing - honestly!

Exercise you lot remember that because yous have small rooms, a dark coloured wall will but make it expect and feel fifty-fifty smaller? Only believe me, any sized room can go dark. The amount of dark bathrooms that tin be found on a quick curlicue through Pinterest is a testament to this fact.

Y'all'll need to style it to suit (go on reading), but whatsoever the size, dark bathrooms ooze luxury, night bedrooms feel cosy, dark hallways scream elegance and the listing goes on. Whatever size, shape or function, it tin can and will work.

Dark walls, Bathroom

Utilize your existing features

Chimneys, alcoves, paneling, skirting boards, door frames, doors. Painting with dark colours doesn't merely mean painting your walls. Some great effects can be accomplished by painting woodwork in darker colours whilst keeping walls neutral, or painting alcoves darker whilst retaining lighter coloured walls.

Alternatively, a light door frame against a dark wall will assistance break up the expanse of colour, or take it further and paint them all the same for a bold effect. Each way has its benefits and the ane your get for volition depend on the overall look you want to achieve.

Veil Minor Mirror with Shelf

Break information technology up

A particularly useful consideration if y'all choose to pigment your longest wall a nighttime colour is to break it up. Just like a plain white wall, a blackness wall will equally need something to beautify information technology. Mirrors, photo wall arrangements and posters in your accent color not but intermission up the space but will reduce the corporeality of dark wall your left with, making information technology experience less dark. Simple.

Dark Picture Wall

image credit: Patirobins (instagram)

50 shades of dark

Painting walls with dark colours doesn't have to mean slapping blackness paint on the walls throwback to the days of grunge, emo kids and Ozy Osbourne. If you can make pure black walls work then snaps to y'all, simply the reality is that for nigh interiors, pure black is just a flake too blackness. As they say, there are many shades of grayness, only as, don't condone colours, dark emerald greens and rich Royal blues offer an anti-monochrome ode to darkness.

Black wall lamp

Dande biconvex wall low-cal

Create an illusion

Annul a shrinking room using the age-old trick of mirrors. This footling flim-flam works two-fold.
Start, when placed strategically, mirrors create an illusion that can double the size of the room. Famously, Elsie de Wolfe, used mirrors to keen effect in After All's garden pavilion, where a full mirror wall placed behind a seating surface area made the garden seem like it carried on way beyond the glass.
Secondly, mirrors reflect calorie-free, meaning that whatever natural daylight your room receives is instantly doubled. Motion picture the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, even back in the 1600s mirrors were used by designers to lighten a room. Now we're non saying get buy 17 gigantic floor-to-ceiling mirrors, just y'all get the thought.

Black Bathroom Mirror

Jager Arched Mirror

Piece of work with what you've got

If you're not in a position to fund a whole business firm renovation, complete with brand new furniture, rugs, floor and accessories, y'all're going to take to work with some of your existing items. I know, we all want a habitation directly outta' Pinterest, but be realistic on what you can modify and what you're going to have to keep. This can sometimes atomic number 82 to corking creative effects (Google 'Ikea furniture hacks' and you'll get my drift).

Stuck with your existing night sofa? And so try a lighter shade on the walls, or practice you already have low-cal floors? These will work great to interruption up a large dark wall. Take an onetime pino bookshelf – paint it the same colour as your wall and you're well on your way to dark interior supremacy.

Rock my style, Dark painted alcove

Image credit:

Add dark home accessories to complete the wait

The final point is all well-nigh final touches. If you lot really want to complete the await, call back about the smaller details also as these will really bring your style home. A nighttime tableware fix to accompany your new night kitchen, a new lamp for your dark hallway, or a carpeting to tone downwardly the light wooden flooring will all finish off your efforts.

Aska Nordic Dinnerware Set

Aska Nordic Dinnerware Set

So at that place yous get, hopefully you're now feeling brave enough to take the plunge and join those #styleitdark Insta-ites whose nonchalant shots of cute dark walls make it to the top of their hashtag rankings earlier you can even annotate with a 'Love this' + center-eyed emoji.

Granted, a night interior is not a new phenomenon, but if yous're reading this and reached the bottom, and then I'll presume you lot're looking to follow the trend and create your ain stunning dark room.

Equally a final piece of advice, always recall that if you're not happy with it, you can always paint over information technology!

Shop our range of dwelling accessories beneath, ideal for your dark walled backdrop.


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