Website Constantly Loading and Say the Name Over and Over Again

Table of contents


What does this error mean?

What causes the 'taking too long to answer' fault?

Internet connection problems

Your server is overwhelmed

Your antivirus is blocking site access

DNS cache

Outdated extensions

Browsing history

Chrome's default contour folder problems

Windows hosts file

The network adapter is non installed or is out of date

Your browser contains corrupted files

Theme incompatibility

Too much data in your database

Hardware dispatch

Connectivity tests




Our tool

How to fix the website took besides long to respond fault

Check whether yous are connected to the internet

Test your cyberspace speed

Change devices

Server troubleshooting

DNS server problems

Other fixes:

Clear browser cache

Use incognito way


Firewall and antivirus

Add or update network drivers

Hardware acceleration

Modifying your 'hosts' file

Editing the Chrome default profile folder

Exercise a site clean up

Image optimization

In conclusion


From time to time, you might run into the 'website took as well long to respond' error when you effort to admission a particular website.

The following images testify how the error looks like on Chrome and Firefox respectively:


connection time out google browser example


connection has timed out example

When trying to access your own site is very concerning, equally it shows the site could effectively exist downwardly for all users. read on about some mutual causes, and how to troubleshoot.

What does this error mean?

The 'taking too long to respond' error indicates that at that place is a advice problem between the target server and the customer (your spider web browser). It means that the targeted server is taking a long time to send a response to the customer. The fault is usually sent if the client cannot go a response within 30 seconds. The connection endeavour is then terminated.

What causes the 'taking also long to respond' error?

Here are several reasons why your browser takes a long fourth dimension to load:

Internet connection issues

A particular website may fail to load if you do not have an internet connection. Bank check that your device is connected, for example, via a LAN or Wi-Fi. If y'all use a LAN, you need to check your LAN settings. Yous also need to make certain that your TCP/ipv4 protocols are correctly configured. Nosotros volition expect at how to gear up cyberspace connexion issues after in the article.

Your server is overwhelmed

If you are using shared hosting, there is a possibility that there is not plenty memory to let for a connection between your client and server. When using shared hosting, retentiveness allotment is not equally distributed. In that location might be sites that use a lot of retentiveness, leaving others with lilliputian memory available.

Talk to your service provider about your memory limit. If you are using WordPress, you can cheque your memory limit in the 'Site Health Tool' on your dashboard.

You may likewise want to change your hosting plan to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) bundle, where retentivity is shared equally among users.

There are also other reasons that may cause your site to be overwhelmed, for case, spikes in site traffic, or lawmaking and scripts that have not been deferred to load only after your site fully loads.

Your antivirus is blocking site access

Your antivirus might block admission to some sites or even all of them. You may need to temporarily disable it and see whether the 'taking too long' error is resolved.

DNS cache

The DNS (Domain Proper noun System) is what translates domain names to IP addresses. This is because information technology is easier for browsers to 'read' IP addresses (which are made upwardly of 4 sets of digits separated by a period as in the paradigm below), while it is easier for humans to remember text, which is why domain names are made up of text as in

ip to domain address

DNS results are unremarkably cached in society to make certain that subsequent requests are handled faster. If at that place was a advice problem between client and server, information technology may exist cached, resulting in the 'website took as well long to reply' mistake. Flushing the DNS cache should solve the error.

Outdated extensions

Extensions come up in handy to add together necessary features to help improve your browser's functionality. However, they may not be every bit frequently updated for compatibility with web browsers. Outdated extensions may contribute to advice problems between client and server. You also cannot be sure that the extensions will work as intended.

On Chrome, virus scanning extensions, for case, Symantec, outdated or not, tend to be 'heavy', which slows downwards your browser.

Browsing history

Stored data from browsing sessions (saved passwords, cookies, site names, and URLs, equally well as cache) can contribute to client-server communication problems. The stored information contains the name and URL of the particular site that you are trying to access. If it had connectedness issues before, it volition refer to the browser history and the client-server connexion will neglect.

Chrome'due south default contour folder issues

At that place is a folder named 'Default' on your local machine which store'due south your 'Chrome Profile' (your bookmarks, saved passwords, apps, browser settings, and extensions). If there is corrupted content in the binder, it may affect communication betwixt client and server. You may demand to edit or rename this file in order to fix 'taking too long' issues.

The issues that may result in a corrupted default folder include corrupt files that are locally stored in the cache binder or interference from a 3rd party antivirus.

Windows hosts file

The hosts file is what maps domains to IP addresses. If you desire to meet for example how your site would wait if you hosted on a different server, y'all would need to edit the hosts file.  If you have blocked website URLs or IP addresses in your hosts file, they might cause other sites to exist blocked too, resulting in the page taking besides long to load fault.

The network adapter is not installed or is out of date

Drivers are necessary for seamless communication between software and hardware. If your network driver is non up to date, or if your device does not have one, it may result in broken client-server communication.

Your browser contains corrupted files

Your browser may contain corrupted files. These tin touch on how the customer communicates with the browser. Reinstalling the web browser might solve this problem.

Theme incompatibility

If you are using WordPress, your theme incompatibility issues could exist the reason for the 'taking too long to reply' error. The only manner to know whether it is your theme that is causing the issues is to change it to a default theme. If the error gets fixed, then yous demand to reinstall your theme or revert to the latest backup of your site that you take.

Too much data in your database

If your database contains a lot of information, for example, logs, hundreds or thousands of weblog posts, gallery pictures, and entries from themes and plugins, your site may take too long to call up all that data from your site.

Hardware acceleration

Hardware dispatch refers to when tasks are 'redirected' to hardware that is specialized to handle them. An example is sound cards being used to increase audio quality. By default, the CPU is the hardware designed to handle nearly tasks on a device. However, other hardware can come in to 'relieve' the CPU, assuasive faster processing and performance.

On a browser, there is a setting called 'hardware acceleration' which allows the browser to maximize the usage of your hardware, for case, to load videos and graphics. Enabling hardware dispatch may improve your browser'south performance. This ways that the browser will use 'less CPU'  which in turn will free upwards more memory for the browser to load your website.

On Chrome, hardware acceleration is enabled by default. In society to make up one's mind the efficiency of hardware acceleration, yous need to bank check for your browser's performance when acceleration is enabled and when information technology is not. If it does non ameliorate your browser operation, and then you are better off without it.

Connectivity tests

After encountering the 'taking also long to load' fault, a great approach is to rule out the most obvious causes, for instance, internet connectivity. Check that you do accept a functional internet connection and that it works on other sites and devices.

The second arroyo is to run connectivity tests in guild to be more precise when fixing the error. While some of these fixes involve running commands from the control line interface, they are simple fixes, and y'all do non demand technical noesis to implement them. Here are the about mutual connectivity tests that you tin run:


Nslookup, 'name server lookup' in full, is a tool that you lot can use to expect up your DNS information, for instance, your IP addresses,  DNS servers that are responding to requests or even compare responses from different DNS servers. If you lot are using Linux, you can access this tool on the control line. There is also a nslookup online version.


This tool allows y'all to check the availability of a remote server. Information technology helps you cheque whether your local PC or desktop connects to a remote host. You tin easily run the test from your control line. Learn more than virtually how to do a Ping test hither.


Tracert is a tool that traces the route that data packets sent to and from your IP address have, and calculates the corporeality of time taken. The tracert examination helps identify issues that occur during information transfers. An event that may occur is increased latency. Latency is defined as the time information technology takes for the client to transport a request and receive a response from the server.

If you have high latency, you may need to start using a CDN. CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are distributed servers that decrease the distance of the geographical location of your servers ('bring your servers nearer'). Instead of having to wait for a response from a server that is in another country, for example, you may accept a CDN in your own land. This manner, you not only increment your site's speed merely may also solve advice problems between customer and server.

SEOptimer's Page Speed Tool

SEOptimer has checks built into information technology's website audit tool that examination the responsiveness, and overall load time of your website, in order to get a 3rd party evaluation of it'due south performance.

The server response time is how long information technology takes for the site to actually reply (if this is very large, this may frequently directly cause the 'taking too long to respond' issue.

You could also use our tool to test your site load fourth dimension and performance. All you need to do is enter your domain name and get results. If this is very big, this may often directly cause the 'taking as well long to respond' outcome, and the others give indicators of how boring the site is to load.

The "All Page Content Loaded" and "All Page Scripts Complete" will indicate of how slow the site is to load itself. Depending on how your site is designed, this could as well point at a cause of the 'took also long to respond issue'. Server response time is how long information technology takes for the site to actually answer

page load time seoptimer

How to ready the website took besides long to answer mistake

Similar we mentioned, when it comes to fixing this error, you lot need to eliminate the most obvious causes first. In this section, we brainstorm by discussing fixes to the most obvious causes of the error, before looking at fixes to the less obvious causes.

Check whether you are continued to the internet

The first stride that you demand to take is to make sure that your device is connected to the net.

To check whether y'all have a valid internet connection on a wireless network on Windows:

  • Click on the Wifi internet access icon on your taskbar
  • Choose 'network and internet settings'
  • Launch the 'network and sharing center'
  • Click on your Wifi connexion. A new window that shows 'Wifi Status' opens. You tin can come across your ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity, speed, and cyberspace quality here equally shown:

  • Click on 'Details' to run into whether yous accept a working IP address and DNS server IP address as shown:

  • Click on 'properties', then 'TCP/ipv4'
  • Then check 'obtain an IP address automatically'
  • Check 'use the post-obit DNS server address'
  • Enter 8.8.8.eight as the preferred DNS server
  • And the alternate DNS server as four.4.8.8
  • Apply changes, relieve and restart your PC.

If using LAN, cheque your settings past:

  • Accessing your browser settings
  • Clicking on 'proxy settings'. This opens an Net backdrop window.
  • Click 'LAN settings'
  • Uncheck 'use a proxy server' if it is checked
  • Cheque 'automatically detect settings'
  • Employ changes

Test your internet speed

Once you are sure that yous accept an cyberspace connection, you may desire to test the internet speed. If your internet speed is as well boring, yous may want to try loading the same page using a different provider'southward cyberspace. If this solves the problem, then your connection might accept a problem.

Change devices

Try and access the site using some other device. For example, if you are using a PC, you may want to try to access the site on a mobile device. If it works on the other device, and then in that location is a possibility that your device is unable to communicate with the server.

Later eliminating internet connection issues, information technology is time to endeavor other fixes. Allow'south look at fixes to bug that may ascend from your device being unable to communicate with the server.

Server troubleshooting

The start footstep when information technology comes to identifying server issues is logging in. if the login is slow, it already indicates that there is a problem. You will use the ssh command on your Linux concluding as follows:

$ ssh -vvv

You tin can so use the tiptop utility tool to bank check CPU usage. You should see something similar this:

Paradigm source

Printing 1 to see more details as follows:

Image source

If us is above the number of CPUs, it ways CPU usage is really loftier, and more CPU horsepower is required.

On Windows, yous can check the server load for available resources and operation problems. One fashion to do this is via the Windows Job Manager.

To access the windows task manager:

  • Click 'start'
  • Type in 'task'
  • Choose 'job director'
  • Right-click on the taskbar area
  • Cull 'task manager'

Press Ctrl+Alt+End + Esc while on remote desktop


If y'all accept never used it before, you lot may encounter the to a higher place window. Click 'more details'

Otherwise, you should run across a window with a breakdown of how the server is being used, as in the paradigm below:


As you lot can encounter, there are unlike tabs: processes, operation, users, details, and services. Each of these will give y'all insights into how the server's resources are being used (processes), and how much uptime the server has been running – uptime (performance). If the uptime is high, and so information technology shows server usage is strained.

You and so need to notice ways to optimize server performance, for case by restarting it (use the sudo reboot command on Linux. On Windows use shutdown / r / t 0 on the control line.

DNS server issues

Here, you will carry out a nslookup test. You tin can use the online version that nosotros mentioned or utilise your command line on Linux. Here is how to use nslookup on the command line:

nslookup <domain name>

  • Hither is an example of a response:

Server: 8.8.viii.8

Accost: 8.8.viii.viii#53

Non-authoritative answer:





Let'due south suspension it downwardly:

  • DNS address – 8.viii.8.8 – translates domain names into IP addresses
  • $53 – the port number used by the DNS to accept queries
  • and – IP address servers – your information packets will be routed to either of these.
  • Not-authoritative answer – there was information received but not from the DNS server. This could be the reason for the 'took too long to answer fault', as the request may have been deemed to accept come from a non-administrative source.

Learn more about DNS server errors and how to set up them from this commodity.

Now that you know the DNS server that is existence used, you need to confirm that you do not have IP accost conflict or have old DNS data. To do this, release the IP address and renew information technology. To attain this on Windows 10:

  • On your taskbar, type 'UAC'
  • You can likewise right-click on your start button and select 'search'
  • Choose 'change user account control settings'
  • You will see a slider that you will use to turn UAC on or off. We need it on. Drag the slider to the desired security level
  • Click Ok
  • Y'all may need to enter your admin password or confirm your option
  • Restart your PC
  • Open the command prompt
  • Choose ' run as administrator'
  • Type the following commands:


  • To see the new IP and DNS server info run the following control:


If all the higher up does not prepare your trouble, you may need to contact your network admin or hosting provider and then that they tin bank check the server and configuration status of your DNS server.

Other fixes:

Clear browser cache

To clear browser cache on Chrome:

  • Open your browser and click on the iii dots on the top right.
  • Select 'more tools'
  • And then clear browsing data
  • Y'all may want to clear everything, so select 'all time'
  • If your site was working for a short fourth dimension, for example an hour earlier it stopped, the you can clear cache for the last i hour.
  •  Bank check the boxes
  • So 'articulate data'

Use incognito mode

incognito mode

When you apply incognito fashion, your browser does not 'store' your activeness. To utilize incognito style in Chrome:

  • Click on the 'three dots' on the top correct
  • Click 'more'
  • So 'new incognito window'
  • It should take an incognito icon

If you can access your site while information technology in incognito mode, so you demand to check whether your extensions are causing problems.



To disable extensions in Chrome:

  • Click the 3 dots on the top-right menu
  • Choose 'more than tools'
  • Then 'extensions'
  • Go through each ane and remove those that are no longer necessary
  • For those that you cull to go on, check their latest updates
  • Click 'details'
  • Then 'view in Chrome Web Store'
  • Scroll to 'additional information'
  • Y'all should see a engagement nether 'last updated'
  • The last update should be within 3 months from the current date
  • Remove those extensions. After, supercede them with alternatives that are more than oftentimes updated
  • You can then try to access the site that had problems loading. If it yet has problems, disable all extensions
  • If the site works this time, y'all and so know that extensions were the problem
  • Enable one extension at a time when reloading the site, until when yous have identified the extension causing problems

Firewall and antivirus

To disable your firewall on Windows x,

  • Click the start push
  • Select 'settings'
  • Click 'update and security'
  • On the left carte, click 'Windows Security'
  • Click 'Firewall and network protection'
  • Choose the network settings that y'all desire to turn off
  • To disable firewall, click the on/off button

Yous may also need to uninstall your antivirus if disabling your firewall does non resolve the error. Note that information technology is not advisable to have your firewall disabled or to have no antivirus on your device. As presently as you lot resolve the problem, you lot need to turn firewall on and reinstall your antivirus.

Add together or update network drivers

To access your drivers on Windows:

  • Correct-click on your PC
  • Choose 'director'
  • A new window, 'computer management' opens
  • Choose 'device manager'
  • Then 'network adapters'
  • Cull the name of your 'network adapter'
  • Right-click on information technology
  • Cull 'scan for hardware changes'
  • Then choose 'properties'
  • This will show yous whether the driver is installed
  • If information technology is already installed, select 'update driver'
  • It will look for updates and install them if any are institute

Hardware dispatch

To plow hardware acceleration on or off in Chrome:

  • Choose 'settings'
  • Click on 'avant-garde'
  • Roll until you encounter 'arrangement heading'
  • Enable or disable 'use hardware acceleration when available'

If this arroyo does not piece of work, you lot can force it by:

  • Entering chrome://flags in the address bar
  • Go to 'override software rendering list'
  • Enable information technology
  • Select 'Relaunch now'

Modifying your 'hosts' file

To alter the hosts file:

  • Open the start menu
  • Select 'all programs'
  • Then 'accessories'
  • Right-click on notepad
  • Cull 'run as administrator'
  • A new window opens
  • Click on the file bill of fare
  • Select 'open'
  • From the drop-down menu, select 'all types'
  • From the listing, click on the hosts
  • If after the terminal sign line (after the #) at that place is an IP address or hostname, delete it, including any other information included here
  • Salve changes
  • Restart your browser

Editing the Chrome default profile binder

Notation that y'all need to export saved passwords and bookmarks before editing this folder. You could besides sync Chrome with a Gmail business relationship. This style, you will get them back as editing this folder resets Chrome, pregnant that you will lose all data.

To edit the defaults folder:

  • Open windows explorer
  • Paste this in your accost bar

%APPDATA%/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data

  • Once you lot have institute the Default folder, rename information technology to 'backup default'
  • Run your browser.

To fix bug with corrupted files, locate the spider web data file and delete information technology. If your site still has a ho-hum response, delete the local State file. Annotation that this will not result in the loss of whatever of your data. You can also uninstall any optional tools that come with your antivirus, for case, AVG Toolbar and AVG Secure Search.

Do a site make clean up

Y'all need to make clean out images, posts, and content that you no longer use on your site. These could include posts in drafts, unused images, spam comments, and old user accounts that are no longer in use. You tin go a step further and use a plugin like Avant-garde Database Cleaner to help yous clean upwards your database. Check for plugins and themes that you no longer use also and delete them.

Paradigm optimization

Yous tin also optimize your images using plugins similar Jetpack Epitome CDN, Compress JPEG & PNG Images and Smush Image Compression and Optimization. It is adept to go for a plugin that can optimize images that are currently on your site and those that you will upload later.

In conclusion

You now know the options to explore when information technology comes to fixing 'website takes too long to respond' errors. You have an thought of what could be causing the errors, and the areas to check offset.


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