Html How to Make a Post Feed

Examples / Server Examples / Social Feed Website Part 3: Post Requests

Social Feed Website Part 3: Post Requests

example java server jsp post

This code expands the social feed website example (I recommend reading that before this) and adds the ability for users to create their own posts to create an example of a social feed web app like Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook.

Now our JSP page contains a form:

                          <%@ page                            import=              "java.util.List"              %>              <%@ page                            import=              ""              %>              <!DOCTYPE html>              <html>              <head>              <title>Social Feed Web App</title>              <script                            src=              "/js/jquery-2.2.4.js"              ></script>              <script                            src=              "/js/bootstrap.min.js"              ></script>              <link              rel=              "stylesheet"              href=              "/css/bootstrap.flatly.css"              >              </head>              <body>              <div              class=              "container"              >              <nav              class=              "navbar navbar-default"              >              <ul              class=              "nav navbar-nav"              >              <li><a              href=              ""              >Social Feed Web App</a></li>              </ul>              </nav>              <h1>New Message</h1>              <form              action=              "/feed/"              method=              "POST"              >              <div              class=              "form-group"              >              <label              class=              "form-control-label"              >Name:</label>              <input              type=              "text"              name=              "name"              class=              "form-control"              >              </div>              <div              class=              "form-group"              >              <label              class=              "form-control-label"              >Message:</label>              <textarea              name=              "message"              class=              "form-control"              ></textarea>              </div>              <button              type=              "submit"              class=              "btn btn-primary"              >Send</button>              </form>              <hr/>              <h1><%=              request              .              getAttribute              (              "title"              )              %></h1>              <%              List              <              Post              >              posts              =              (              List              <              Post              >              )              request              .              getAttribute              (              "posts"              );              if              (              posts              ==              null              ){              %>              <p>This user has no posts.</p>              <%              }              else              {              for              (              Post              post              :              posts              ){              %>              <div              class=              "panel panel-default"              >              <div              class=              "panel-heading"              ><h4><a              href=              "/feed/              <%=              post              .              getUser              ()              %>              "              ><%=              post              .              getUser              ()              %></a></h4></div>              <div              class=              "panel-body"              ><%=              post              .              getMessage              ()              %></div>              <div              class=              "panel-footer"              >at              <%=              post              .              getDate              ().              toString              ()              %></div>              </div>              <%              }              }              %>              </div>              </body>              </html>                      

Notice the New Message form towards the top of the HTML. This lets a user enter their name and a message to post. We're using Bootstrap to style our form. When the user clicks the Send button, the doPost() function of our servlet class is triggered:

                          import                  ;              import                  ;              import              java.util.ArrayList              ;              import              java.util.Date              ;              import              java.util.HashMap              ;              import              java.util.LinkedList              ;              import              java.util.List              ;              import              java.util.Map              ;              import              javax.servlet.ServletException              ;              import              javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet              ;              import              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest              ;              import              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse              ;              import                  ;              public              class              FeedServlet              extends              HttpServlet              {              /** 	 * All of the posts, ordered by time. New messages at the 	 * beginning, old messages at the end. We're using a LinkedList 	 * so inserting at the beginning is very fast. 	 */              private              LinkedList              <              Post              >              postsByTime              =              new              LinkedList              <>();              /** 	 * Map of user names to posts made by that user. 	 */              private              Map              <              String              ,              LinkedList              <              Post              >>              postsByUser              =              new              HashMap              <>();              /** 	 * Adds a post to the postsByTime and postsByUser data structures. 	 */              private              void              addPost              (              String              user              ,              String              message              ,              long              time              ){              Post              post              =              new              Post              (              user              ,              message              ,              new              Date              (              time              ));              postsByTime              .              addFirst              (              post              );              if              (!              postsByUser              .              containsKey              (              user              )){              postsByUser              .              put              (              user              ,              new              LinkedList              <>());              }              postsByUser              .              get              (              user              ).              addFirst              (              post              );              }              @Override              public              void              doGet              (              HttpServletRequest              request              ,              HttpServletResponse              response              )              throws              IOException              ,              ServletException              {              String              requestUrl              =              request              .              getRequestURI              ();              String              user              =              requestUrl              .              substring              (              "/feed/"              .              length              ());              if              (              ""              .              equals              (              user              )){              request              .              setAttribute              (              "title"              ,              "All Posts"              );              request              .              setAttribute              (              "posts"              ,              postsByTime              );              }              else              {              request              .              setAttribute              (              "title"              ,              "Posts by "              +              user              );              if              (              postsByUser              .              containsKey              (              user              )){              request              .              setAttribute              (              "posts"              ,              postsByUser              .              get              (              user              ));              }              }              request              .              getRequestDispatcher              (              "/WEB-INF/jsp/feed.jsp"              ).              forward              (              request              ,              response              );              }              @Override              public              void              doPost              (              HttpServletRequest              request              ,              HttpServletResponse              response              )              throws              IOException              ,              ServletException              {              String              name              =              request              .              getParameter              (              "name"              );              String              message              =              request              .              getParameter              (              "message"              );              addPost              (              name              ,              message              ,              System              .              currentTimeMillis              ());              response              .              sendRedirect              (              "/feed/"              );              }              }                      

The doPost() function gets the name and message parameters from the request, and passes them into the addPost() function to add them to our data structures. The doGet() function is the same as it was before, and passes those data structures to our JSP page to be rendered.

This code also uses a Post class, which is just a Java bean:

                          package                  ;              import              java.util.Date              ;              public              class              Post              {              private              String              user              ;              private              String              message              ;              private              Date              date              ;              public              Post              (              String              user              ,              String              message              ,              Date              date              )              {              this              .              user              =              user              ;              this              .              message              =              message              ;              this              .              date              =              date              ;              }              public              String              getUser              ()              {              return              user              ;              }              public              void              setUser              (              String              user              )              {              this              .              user              =              user              ;              }              public              String              getMessage              ()              {              return              message              ;              }              public              void              setMessage              (              String              message              )              {              this              .              message              =              message              ;              }              public              Date              getDate              ()              {              return              date              ;              }              public              void              setDate              (              Date              date              )              {              this              .              date              =              date              ;              }              }                      

Finally, we need a web.xml file to map the URL to the servlet class:

                          <web-app>              <servlet>              <servlet-name>FeedServlet</servlet-name>              <servlet-class>FeedServlet</servlet-class>              </servlet>              <servlet-mapping>              <servlet-name>FeedServlet</servlet-name>              <url-pattern>/feed/*</url-pattern>              </servlet-mapping>              </web-app>                      

This file maps any URL starting with /feeds/ to our servlet, which then sends the request to our JSP file. Now if you run this web app and visit http://localhost:8080/feed/ in your browser, you should see this:

post form

If you enter a name and a message and then click the Send button, you'll see your message added to the feed:

message posted

The rest of the web app works the same: you can click a user's name to go to their personal feed page, where only their posts are shown.

Tweak Ideas

  • Right now users can enter any raw text they want, including arbitrary HTML and JavaScript. This is dangerous! Add logic that escapes HTML and JavaScript instead of displaying it.
  • Add more customization. Let users specify a color for their posts.
  • What do you want to do when a page contains millions of posts? How would you handle thousands of users?

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